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(4 edits)

NOTE to windows 11 users: If Pervy exits saying it can’t open or other files, please check your file permissions. Windows 11 is breaking everyone’s read/write permissions.

There appear to be apps for fixing that.

Thank you!


amazing work cant wait to see more new stuff added :D

and will it be possible to make the main character nude whatever we want?

last thing dose the Discord work? because the link is dead

(3 edits)

You can’t take his clothes off unless you trigger a scene for that. There’s interest in it though, and it’s been on my mind.

Did you get all the way through? There’s lots of stuff in there!

I’ve updated the discord link.

Edit: ok NOW I’ve updated the discord link. My bad.

Ok, strictly speaking, stripping the player is planned. Sort-of. It’s much later though, and I may move it up.


Проходите мимо него, прячась, пока он вас не поймает. Сливайте воду, как вы делали раньше. Возможно, вам придется делать это несколько раз..

Как сделать чтобы он поймал и что за вода которую надо сливать

Вам нужно только пройти мимо него и спрятаться, пока он вас не поймает, а затем, как и раньше, сбежать в канализацию.


я спрятаться Но не чего не происходит

Вы в правильном месте? Бык слева, а не справа.


Я прячусь от быка, который на меня мочился

Есть новый. Вот перевод:

  1. Пройдите через дверь и поднимитесь по ящикам к быку, который охраняет часовню.
  2. Не прячьтесь. Убегайте и спускайтесь в канализацию. Он исчезнет.
  3. Вернитесь и сделайте это снова. Он повернется и поймает вас, когда вы попытаетесь спрятаться. Вы должны попытаться спрятаться.

Спасибо вам за вашу помощь.


I still can't put the items into the three shadows, maybe because I clicked on them(shadows) with my sword eyes first.(Have spoken to the skull & gained speed up)

(1 edit)

Once that’s done everything in there is dead. It should not matter if you searched first.


gained speed up? how?

The apothecary.


I know you've answered this before, but how can get the scene with the peeing bull to start? I keep making the circuit of running past him by hiding but nothing happens. (I drop down to the door and go up the boxes, then sneak by him)

There is a bug! It seems I assumed the player would wander away between passes, and the minotaur would despawn. I will correct that and get a release out tonight if possible.

Sorry about the bug!

There’s another bug that I can’t seem to track down, so it’s taking longer. A fix will be out soon.

(1 edit) (+1)

can you please give a  guide for all the non intro scene

edit only one i've figured out so far is the executionor one,  you need to drag and drop the screwdriver onto him

(1 edit)

You should also be able to get the alchemist, if you haven’t already.

Go past the bull that tried to pee on you a few times (going up). There’s another scene. There are three nsfw scenes at present, not including that bit with the cage.

There is another scene in the dungeon to the left. If you’ve finished with the apothecary then it’s not relevant.


wait so how do you get the scene with the bull im confused

(1 edit)

If you have the chapel key: go to the chapel and drop down the stairs to the gap where the stairs are broken. Go to the pacing bull who tried to pee on you the way you went the first time, through the door, up the boxes. Pass him by hiding until he catches you. Run down the drain as you did before. You may have to do it more than once.


im somewhat stuck. Ive explored the entire first area but the bull is still telling me to find the bitch but i cant find her

eventhough i think the mining area is patreon only how do i get into the weird place that smells bad


it's changed to find a peddler in the mines but there is nothing in there


im stupid


i dont have enough moneys though )):


ok so mini guide

after  the intro

go down to the mines then go left and go down under the bridge

get the gem then get the sword to speak by falling down a certain hole twice

use the sword to get enough money to get the  sneak ability

then sneak past through the reliquary

the ship then the quills

(1 edit)

You can’t get there yet!


how do you kill minotaurs  by the  way

You can kill them with traps, but there aren’t any you can use. You can never kill the bulls that block the way up. You must find another way past them.




I have the three items whose shadows appear in the apothecary, but I can't figure out how to get an interaction from it. Just more "choooooose!" (do any of those potions...not kill you?) on how to get the new nsfw scenes?

(1 edit)

Hold an item, click a shadow.

Run past the bull near the chapel using your hide ability a few times and something should happen. Also go near the skeletons on the dungeon left once or twice.


Thanks! I'll try it tonight~


the shadow thing doesn't work. i can take out the item but clicking the shadow doesn't do anything.

I’ll check it.

I’m having trouble making it fail. Do you click on the right one? There are three, and the right one will turn the mouse pointer into a finger.

Found the problem. It doesn’t let you place the object until you’ve talked to the skull at least once. Fix is coming, along with the bull scene.


oh! oh, that was hot! piss drinking, and then getting bent over by a minotaur? this game serves so many delights!


ชอบมากๆ รอการพัฒนาต่อไปนะ ชอบมากๆ พยายามเข้านะผู้สร้าง

(1 edit) (+1)

fun gayme but omg it's laggy

(3 edits)

Try turning off the sync in preferences. This seems not to work correctly on every machine. (You may have to restart.)

If that doesn’t work, can you tell me please: Is it an old computer? Something unusual?

Does it lag all the time, or in a specific place? What is your framerate in the upper right corner?

im  using a really good computer, definetly better specs than some of the other people here, but it lags  all the time at around 10-20fps

i  have vsync off  and im on windowed as it flashes on black while on fullscreen

Slow and fullscreen flashes black. Regular PC.

I’ll think on this.


Game crashed when i applied screwdriver to the head chop guy

Uh oh sorry about that. An update is coming.


heyy i can't open the game because it's said that it can't read textures/

(1 edit)

That’s a new one on me, make sure you didn’t take that out of there or modify it. You might have to get a fresh dl. You’re saved game should still be there.

I have another guy with this problem on Windows11. There may be an issue, I’m looking into it.

File permissions? See the note at the top.

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